My parents moved into a retirement community about two years ago. They got a nice two bedroom cottage with a sun room and a nice patio. I really hated the idea at first. They lived near Myrtle Beach and when they moved up here we lost our vacation spot. Kidding! I really hated the idea of my parents aging.
If you are lucky enough to still have your parents I will tell you this. Now that I can look at it somewhat objectively, I wish they had done it much sooner. The retirement communities they are building today are pretty amazing. They have great amenities and all the “happy homeowner” tasks that take up time that could be spent enjoying life are taken care of. Cutting the grass, fixing that leaky toilet, caulking the sink, painting the shutters…. Um, Hello, Maintenance Department? And done!
Heck, I wonder if there is a minimum age requirement. Can I move in there?
Anyway, now my mom is trying to adjust to life on her own terms. And so am I. What I didn’t really grasp was that my mom is a nut! My dad tried to warn me but I guess I thought he was kidding. He was a great story-teller….