The Law of Attraction is a wonderful tool to help us unlock our potential and live the life we want, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. There are 7 Laws of Attraction. Often people hear about the Law of Attraction and don’t dig deep enough. They think all they have to do is think positive thoughts and do some vision boards and they will manifest everything they want. That would be great, right? My mom always told me if it seems too good to be true, it always is.
The 7 Laws of Attraction
There are 12 Metaphysical Laws of the Universe and the Law of Attraction is number 7 on the list. We will get into these Universal Laws in a later post for sure as they are also important to understanding how the universe works. For now, though, let’s start with the 7 Laws of Attraction.
1. The Law of Manifestation
So let’s start with the Law of Manifestation. This law says that what you focus on consistently will manifest itself in your life, good or bad. This is why it is so important to keep your focus on your goals and not on the setbacks. And there will be setbacks, make no mistake. Be relentless with achieving your dream but flexible with the path to getting there.
Go ahead and create those vision boards, spend some time each morning reflecting on all the blessings in your life, really feel the emotion of gratitude for everything and everyone in your life, hold on to that feeling of gratitude and let it color your day.
And yes, even when someone does you wrong. I know it’s hard, but remember what you send out in your thoughts will be reflected back to you. Your thoughts manifest your reality. So if you are spending time talking about how someone did you wrong, you are manifesting more of the same. Let it go! Don’t make me sing that song from Frozen, lol. Remember that bad behavior is a reflection of what they feel about themselves. It’s really not about you.
2. The Law of Magnetism
This law says that your thoughts are the magnet that attracts everything into your life. Think about the word Attraction. It is an action, right? Your thoughts are always attracting what is on the same level of vibration, positive or negative. This is working in your life whether you pay attention to it or not. Your thoughts are energy and are a magnet for like energy, so keep your mind focused on your dream.
3. The Law of Unwavering Desire
Unwavering Desire! Let’s talk about that. This law states that you must be steadfast in your intentions and your belief that you are meant for this…..whatever “this” means for you. Henry Ford said “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right”. Truth bomb right there!
In order for you to manifest your dream, you cannot have any lingering doubt that you will succeed. You must be able to see yourself succeeding in your mind. Feel what it would feel like to you to succeed in your body. Let yourself feel the emotions that you will have when you reach that goal.
This is really important. We will get into this more when we talk about the Law of Vibration in a later post.
4. The Law of Delicate Balance
Attention all you work-aholics! There is definitely something to be said for being relentless in achieving your dreams, but don’t forget to take the time to enjoy and be present in your life now. That is what this law is about. You need to be happy and appreciate what you have now and every day. A big part of this is trusting that you will achieve your goals.
Ask, believe, receive is a mantra of the Law of Attraction and “The Secret”. Don’t allow yourself to become obsessed with reaching your goal to the point where you become desperate and anxious. Believe that you will achieve it. Believe that the right people and resources will be presented to you to allow you to achieve it. You will still have to take the action and work for it, but trust the Universe to deliver it and remain grateful with the present.
5. The Law of Harmony
Watching the news these days you would never believe it, but everything in the Universe is in Harmony. Everything is energy and therefore connected. You are energy and therefore are connected with everything and everyone in the Universe. So, in order to tap into your power you must align yourself with the Universe.
What? I know I can hear you saying “this lady is crazy”. Have you ever gone to the ocean and paused to listen to the crashing of the waves? Have you ever taken a hike and paused to just close your eyes and connect your senses with your surroundings? Have you ever sat around a fire on a crisp fall night and just lost yourself in the moment? How about just taking a moment at the family dinner table to absorb everyone sitting there talking about their day and enjoying a good meal?
When I do take a minute to step back and look at all I am blessed to have, I feel a sense of peace. Yes, even when things are not perfect if I can just take stock and see all the things that I do have and have achieved, I am grateful for my life, my family, everything is just right in my world. I know that this is not my permanent situation and that I am on my way to achieving my dream, but right now, it is exactly what it is supposed to be. There you go, alignment.
6. The Law of Right Action
We talked before about how you decide how your day is going to go. You make that choice every morning when you get up (and throughout the day) if you are going to be happy or you are going to let all the trials of the day get to you. Yes, I know there will be things that go wrong and mistakes will be made but you get to choose how you respond, right?
The trick is to decide you are going to do the right thing. You have choices to make all day long about how you behave. You choose to not let negative things impact your life and bring you down. You choose to keep your energy (your vibration) positive. You also choose how you treat others by spreading your positive energy to others. By choosing to be a positive influence to others, that makes you more attractive to the Universe and brings more positive things to your life.
7. The Law of Universal Influence
Last but not least, this law says that our energy affects everyone around us whether you know it or not. Remember, we are all connected through energy. Be intentional in your actions and make sure that you leave people smiling in your wake.
Have you ever been out somewhere and encountered someone that is having a bad day (or life)? You just know, even if they don’t say anything. You can feel their anger? That is just as bad as someone acting out and treating people badly, right? You are still affected by their bad vibes. Don’t be that guy.
Your Take Away
I know that is a lot to digest, at least it may feel that way. But really what it all boils down to is keeping your energy positive and being a positive influence on others too. My boss calls me a “little ray of sunshine”. I am pretty sure he is being a smarty pants, but I do try not to let the trials of my own life spill over and affect others or my own attitude. I believe that everyone is going through something so a kind word or a smile or compliment can really turn their day around.
Go out and be a ray of sunshine! See you next time.